This Blog is for advertising updates for the "Soup for the Sinful Soul" mod that is created for Sins of a Solar Empire.


Mad Scientist Mod

v2.5 Entrenchment Edition

ModDB Page

Support Email:

New Technology Count: 94

New Plantary Ability Count: 30



1) Sins Plus v1.3 by Uzii (Modified)

2) Volumetric Explosions & Damage Effects ver. 1.12

3) Bailknights Graphic Mod v1.1

The mod is now available to modders to use in their own creations.  All that I ask is that proper credit is given.

Current changes:

New Opening Theme Song:  O' Fortuna:  a song that I believe gets the blood pumping without taking away any of the atmosphere of the game.

Retroactive Researching:  Reorganized the research benefits to give more sway to those with technological superiority against those of numerical superiority.  All technologies that require previous research in the same exact subject have been changed, such as a laser damage tech that requires a previous laser damage tech.  The game orignally gave the same bonus to both techs, usually 5%, and even though the second tech cost more to research, you still only squeezed out the same damage increase of the cheeper tech. For example

Tech 1: 5% damage increase

Tech 2: 5% damage increase

Tech 3: 5% damage increase

Tech 4: 5% damage increase

What I have changed is that I have made such researches retroactive in that the further you progress in that line the greater the bonus you receave per tech.  The formula I used is (current bonus + previous bonus=New current bonus)  So lets see that example again with the changes.

Tech 1: 5% damage increase

Tech 2: (5+5)10% damage increase

Tech 3: (5+10)15% damage increase

Tech 4: (5+15)20% damage increase.

I did this change for not only for weapons but all areas.  The techs in which this applys includes: Weapon Damage, Weapon Recharge Rates, Shields, Hulls, Antimatter, Armor, Trade, Resources, Planet Population, Culture, and maybe one or two I can't remember.  Note that this make certain aspects of the game you may have not concidered a threat much more powerful, such as enemy culture spread.

Fleet Tree Reorganized:  I have reorganized the Fleet Tree to accept additional technologies to be researched.  Note that any technologies I place in there will be able to be researched using both the military and civilian research stations.

Defense Techs Moved:  While doing the Retroactive Researching protion of the mod I fully realized that civilizations that progressed heavily in the non-combat research fields would basically stand little chance against the military minded civilizations as they would be easily destroyed.  In order to help prevent this I have moved the defense technologies from the combat tree to the fleet tree to allow all to research them.

New Techs Added To Military Tree: With the void now in the combat research tree I needed to come up with new technologies to fill it in, and with defenses now in the fleet tree but what else to put in there but more firepower.  All races now have added technologes that increase the rate of fire of all their weapons.  The bonuses here are also retroactive and if you research one weapon to its fullest, you will be pumping out an impressive 2x the rounds in the time span (100% increase)

Upgradeable Hanger Squads:  This change will allow you to upgrade your defense hanger fighters per squad.  It will be placed in the fleet tree along with the standard hanger defense tech that unlocks it so it is available for both research fields.  Both TEC and Vasari will be able to add a total of 18 fighters to their hangers through research (.5/.5==1.5/1.5==2.5/2.5) x2 squads and because the Advent already had a tech that did this I deleted it and the will be able to add a total of 24 fighters (1/1==2/2==3/3)

Required Weapon Platform Research:  Because the Hanger Defense is now available to both research trees, I am going to make the Defense Platforms (Gauss for TEC, Beam for Advent, and Missile for Vasari) a required research within the military tech tree.  Note that this will make it so one can no longer build defensive structures without the proper research.

Added Elements from the Sins Plus By Uzii (Modified):  I have added certain additional planets from the Sins Plus mod into this one.  The following Planets are now included within this mod:  Urban--Paradise--Industrial--Toxic--Relic--and Barren.  Gas Giants are also now colonizable.  Also added population cap research included in Sins Plus for both Gas Giants as well as Barren Planets and Astroids.

Starting Local Militias: The starting Militias will be changed and spawn based on the theme of the starting planet stated above.  TEC's on Tec Planets, Advent on theirs, and Vasari on theirs.

Planet Rebalancing: The following displays the method I will be using to rebalance the planets in the game.  Hopefully this will allow the planets to become unique without any of them becoming less important then the others.  Each planet has 20 points to spend among the 5 fields.

    20 Point System  
Point Cost Population Metal Crystal Civilian Tactical
Dry (0) 0 0 0 0 0
Very Low (1) 10/30 0/1 0/1 8/14 5/15
Low (2) 10/30/100 1/2 1/2 8/14/20 5/15/25
Med (4) 10/30/100/190 2/3 2/3 8/14/20/26 5/15/25/35
High (8) 10/30/100/190/300 3/4 3/4 12/18/24/30/36 10/20/30/40/50
Very High (16) 10/30/100/190/300/420 4/6 4/6 12/18/24/30/36/42 10/20/30/40/50/60
  Population Metal Crystal Civilian Tactical
Terran 8 2 2 4 4
Desert 4 2 2 8 4
Ice 4 0 8 4 4
Volcanic 2 8 0 2 8
Paradise 2 0 0 16 2
Urban 16 0 0 2 2
Forest 8 4 0 4 4
Old Naval Base 4 2 2 4 8
Toxic 1 0 16 1 2
Industral 2 1 1 8 8
Swamp 4 4 0 8 4
Barren 1 1 1 1 16
Relic 2 0 8 2 8
Savannah 4 4 4 4 4
Ocean 4 0 4 4 8
Gas Giant 1 8 8 1 2

Reorganized Research Techs:  With the introduction of the new Defense Research Tree, I will be reorganizing the techs to allow for a more eye appealing layout as well as redefining the trees that certain techs should be in.



Planet Abilities: Every Planet will have an ability available to all races to research along with an additional researchable ability for the race best suite for the planet type.  What this means is now instead of only being able to research the planest that your race best represents, you will be able to research abilities for every planet type, but you still recieve an additional researchable ability on your race favored planets.

White = Universial, Green = TEC,  Blue = Advent,  Orange = Vasari

Terran: Population Growth Rate (+33%,66%,100%)///Weapon Range (+50%,100%,150%)

Urban: fighters per squad for structures (+1,2,3)///Fighters per squad for Starbases (+1,2,3)

Paradise: Planet Upgrade Cost (-20%,40%,60%)///Culture Spread (+50%,100%,150%)

Old Naval Base: Weapon Cooldown (+33%,66%,100%)///Shield Restore (+50%,100%,150%)

Forest: Structure Build Rate (+33%,66%,100%)///Hull Restore Rate (+50%.100%,150%)

Desert: Chance to be hit (-10%,20%,30%)///Culture Spread (+50%,100%,150%)

Ice: Speed of enemy ships (-10,20%,30%)///Shield Restore Rate (+50%,100%,150%)

Ocean: Planet Bombing Damage Absorb (+20%,40%,60%)///Energy Weapon Cooldown (+50%,100%,150%)

Relic: Ability Cooldown (+33%,66%,100%)///Antimatter Cost on non-ultimates (-20%,40%,60%)

Savannah: Structure Build Rate (+33%,66%,100%)///Hull Restore Rate (+50%.100%,150%)

Volcanic: Damage for Structures (+33%,66%,100%)///Culture Spread (+50%,100%,150%)

Toxic: Damage for Mines (+33%,66%,100%)///Shield Restore Rate (50%,100%,150%)

Industral: Ship Build Time (-33%,66%,100%)///Hull Restore Rate (+50%.100%,150%)

Barren: Planet Bombing Damage Absorb (+20%,40%,60%)///Speed Increase for Ships and Starbase (50%,100%,150%)

Swamp: Structure Build Rate (+33%,66%,100%)///Weapon Range (+50%,100%,150%)

Five Strike Craft Per Race: 

Intercepter: When it comes to the dog fight there is no equal.  With unmatched speed and manuverability, Intercepters are by far the best strike craft to clear the way of fighters and provide valuable escort for bomber squadrons. (Real World Representation: Mig series Fighter)

Fighter: While the Intercepter is its greatest threat, the fighter is the greatest threat to bombers.  With the ability to severly disrupt any bomber offensive, they provide valuable protection for structures and ships.  (Real World Representation: F-series Fighter)

Light Bomber: Because it is classified as a light bomber, do not think that this craft is a pushover.  It is in fact the toughest and most heavily armored strike craft available, and it has to be, as its job is to take on anti-strike craft frigates and carriers. (Real World Representation: A-10 Warthog)

Medium Bomber: A heavy cruiser's nemisis.  The medium bomber can deliver ordinace that can turn even the heaviest vessels to clouds of debris.  Only moderately armored and relitively slow moving, these bombers can fall prey to enemy fighter formations if proper precautions are not taken.  (Real World Representation: B-52 Superfortress)

Heavy Bomber: Go big or go home some might say, and these ships definately represent that very idea.  While only somewhat effective against most vessels, these strike craft shine when brought up against massive targets like capital ships and structures.  (Real World Representaion: B2 Bomber)

Roles for Strike Craft Building Units:

Capital ships: can build all three bomber types, as well as fighters, which make them strong in many areas.  They can be powerful in assulting enemy planets and heavy vessels(medium and heavy bombers), can be strong against other fleets with large frigate numbers (light bombers) and can protect their own fleet against bomber raids from other capital ships (Fighters).  Their flaw is that fighters only provide a marginal amount of protection against other fighters as well an intercepters.  This is where the need for cruiser carriers come in.

Cruiser Carriers:  Unlike in vanilla sins, cruiser carriers are now more protectors of their own fleet then an assult force.  They can launch powerful attacks against enemy frigates and cruisers (light bomber), can protect against enemy bomber forces (fighter), but are also tasked in the protection of the capital ships bomber forces against the enemy providing needed strike craft to act as escorts(Intercepter).  Their flaw is that they are weak against structures as well as heavy vessels.  This is where the Capital Ship squadrons come in.

Hanger Defenses:  Like Cruiser Carriers, the Hanger Defense also provides the same protection toward the planet it surrounds.  Its light bombers can devistate enemy frigates and hult their attacks.  Its fighter squadrons can hult the attacks of enemy capital ship bombers against the orbiting structures, and its intercepter squadrons can be used to protect the light bombers against invading forces that are relying on fighter support.  Their flaw is they cannot provide a powerful punch against heavy vessels such as capital ships themselves.  This is where Star Bases come in.

Starbase:  Starbases provide the same protection that Hanger Defenses with one notiable difference between them.  The starbase can also be strong against the heaviest of vessels, such as capital ships and heavy cruisers, with its ability to build medium bombers.  This allows it to provide the final area of protection that hanger defenses lack in.

Error Free:  In making the mod error free, I was forced to make Gas Giants uncolonizable, as the research to make them colonizable was causing issues with the game engine and giving me the an error.  While many people did not have a problem with, it was causing crashes on some systems, and therefore was decided to remove it.

Planet Abilities now require Starbases:  Planet abilities now require starbases in order to access them.  Some might think this as restrictive, however, I feel it adds to the depth of the whole entrenchment experience.

New Changes for 2.5:

Dubbled Max Research Levels:Max levels of many of the research will be dubbled in order to further use of the mod into later stages of the game.  Along with the Increased Need for Trade described below, it will definately be of use into many more hours of play then usual.  Take note that both ship supply and capital ship max will also be effected by this, dubbling the amount of vessels you can have.

Increased Need for Trade and Foundries: There will be an increased need for trade and foundries within the game. No longer can you expect to run a powerful empire on just taxes and extractors alone and still drown yourself in spare credits and resources.  No longer will you merely laugh when your full entire fleet gets wiped because you can easily have another ready in mere moments.  No longer can you expect to complete all the research in a cupple of hours on a meager handful of world.

Reorganized Pirates: With the increased power given by the added technologies, pirates have become seriously dwarfed by the strength of the empires, but no longer.  Pirates vessels themselves will improve as the game moves on, and once again become a feared enemy in the galaxy, or a powerful tool if you have the credits.







Comments (Page 25)
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on Mar 09, 2009

Hi all,

Well in light of using the Developer EXE (good tool that one) 2.1 throws a whole bunch of errors at me.  I have picked out what seems to be a few good ones below.  These were single instance messages.

*** Pool's Allocated Space has been used up.  new / delete is being used as a fallback. ***

Warning: No skybox properties found for .

*** Prim3D has run out of cache space for rectangles ***

I particularly like the last one.

Also, there were a huge bunch of repeated errors -

c:\gs\entrenchment\CodeSource\Engine\DataStructures\FixedArray.h(127): assert! [i >= 0]
c:\gs\entrenchment\CodeSource\GS\Player\PlayerResearch.cpp(310): assert! [level >= 0 && level < table->Size()]

Along with some missing textures, a missing brush and a whole crap load of particle lifetime warnings.  Also one other odd error -

lifetimec:\gs\entrenchment\CodeSource\GS\Render\Particle\ParticleEmitter.cpp(487): assert! [m_ParticleMinStartLinearSpeed <= m_ParticleMaxStartLinearSpeed]

Hope some of that helps.  I have looked briefly in user.settings to see if the was a cache / buffer variables that I could tweak up.  The only one that I saw that may have been of interest was related to planet meshes. Although there are a couple of values relating to max particles.


MaxParticleCount 6000
MaxParticleSimulationsCount 2000
MaxAsteroidCount 10000
MaxDustCloudParticleCount 5000

Hope some of that helps.

on Mar 09, 2009

Ordian,  I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt until it crashed out on me again after 15 mins.  This was just your mod no other mods no addins. just your mod.

I also got this error 4 mins prior to it dumping out.

AudioSystem: LoadSample Failure: Not enough memory  : .\Sound\Hyperspace_Travel.ogg

Again, I use the regular game with my mod and both Balknights addin mods and I play games for hours on end without any issues at all.  I just played a 3 hr game with a friend of mine over the net with my mod and those 2 other graphical mods and not once did either of us crash out.

So this tells me for one its not a driver issue and not my video card or my system.  There is a bug hidden in your mod. I have no idea what it is or what’s causing the dumps but its there.  I max out my graphics and I always play the TEC.

I know this is not what you are wanting to here but this is what’s happening.


on Mar 10, 2009

Darksxx: Okay, I need you to listen to me for a sec.  I can sense alot of tension in your post, and all I am trying to do is help.  The resent error you have posted displays a file named Hyperspace_Travel.ogg.  The only sound file within my mod is the Opening Theme, and the file you have shown me is not even contained within the mod and is run from the Sins main folder.  That points toward perhaps a bad download or corrupted file within your default game folder, or with it displaying a "Not enough memory" which would lead toward a RAM problem, perhaps a bad chip.  I would try an uninstall and reinstall.  Also, the Developer.exe is within the forge tools that is available for download from the download section of the Forums.

If you want my assistance it is always there, however, if you continue to ignore what I am telling you and claim my mod being bugged without proper evidence, then you are always welcome to play a different mod.  Distant Stars by Nacey and Celestial Bodies by TohKlidan are both great mods for entrenchment, and I am sure you will be able to entertain yourself with them.  I know you probaly were not expecting me to say that, but I tend to get a little irritated when people get a little too short over a service and program that is provided free of charge.

SlugwormX: That is why I removed the graphic mods from my own that were included in the 2.1.  If you run the 2.2 version under developer you will see that it is free of all errors but the one I already know about which is c:\gs\entrenchment\CodeSource/Engine/DataStructures/FixedArray.h(117): assert! [i >= 0].  That error was part of when I added Sins Plus back in I think November, and has not been an issue.  The other errors, which were contained within the particle folder for the most part, were removed when I took out the two mods.  I will be putting them back in when I can make them shiny and unblemished.

MindsEye: There is a folder within the Forge Tools that has the proper files, and I am sure there are plenty of threads in this forum that can explain it further.

on Mar 10, 2009

Roger.  However, is it normal to get the above error when, with only your mod loaded, I click on a subject to research?

 EDIT:  If there is also any other testing you would like done, happy to oblige.  Bit or a modder myself so I know some of your frustration when the proverbial happens...

on Mar 10, 2009

SlugwormX: Just tried to create the error message when loading the mod in developer and clicking on a research, and I was unable to recreate it.  Could you provide a little more info (race, tier of research, research tree, etc).

Also, I have been thinking for a while now of picking up some playtesters and putting them on the payroll.  Was also thinking about instead of moving the mod from me to the public, giving it to the playtesters first to iron out any kinks that might arise, and calling it a "Bonus" for their services .  People I can bounce ideas off of that I know will actually respond back. Also as the mod gets larger having people aboard willing to answer questions, assist in issues people might have, etc.  This thing is starting to get a little big for a one man operation.

Basically I need some people I can point the finger at and blame! lol jk

So, yeah.  If you want to be the first then you are more then welcome to the position.  Just give me the okay and I will post your name up in the tread giving you props.  I do have to warn you though, the pay sucks!

The first assignment, if you so choose, would be to play the game, and in your campaign of stomping the hell out of the opposition, keep an eye out for things that should not be and report them eather here or via pm.  Due to RL restrictions, I am able to find time to mod the game, but for time to play the game that is harder to come by.  So I would like someone reliable to pretty much play in my stead and find errors and the things that even developer will not reveal. (such as spelling)  I would like to make sure that Mad Scientist itself is prestine even before the graphic mods are added back in.

on Mar 10, 2009

Sounds good.  RL can be sooo intrusive some times.  I do work odd hours so I will test as and when I can.  I have just had a failure of Distant Suns as well now, same sort of thing.  I am about to uninstall and reinstall the whole shooting match.  Will get back to you if it occurs later.


on Mar 10, 2009

Okay, fresh install of Sins and Entrenchment.  Only your mods loaded and every time I click on a research subject to begin research i get a message about:

Assert @ c:\gs\entrenchment\CodeSource\Engine/DataStructures/FixedArray.h(117)

i >= 0

If I dont have the resources I dont get the message.

Also, when the subject is finished researching I get the message twice.

on Mar 10, 2009

Just an update.   Still running the 2.1 version.   Finally stopped crashing.   I dropped my grahpics settings to the bottom.   Im gradually going to up the graphics more and more to determine the crash threshold.  Other than that, love the mod!

on Mar 10, 2009

Ordian I tried using convert data from forge tools 3. I did the whole run cmd:

I've tested this method in Windows Vista, but I checked and all the commands appear to be the same for XP, so it *should* work for XP, but I can't guarantee it.

If you're not familiar with Windows command prompt, this might seem a bit arcane.

First thing you do is you copy the GameInfo folder in your sins game folder (default is C:\Program Files\Stardock Games\Sins of a Solar Empire) to the root of your hard drive. Using Windows Explorer, go into your newly copied GameInfo folder (the path should be C:\GameInfo) and delete all entity files that begin with "Ability". The current version of convertdata doesn't work on these files, so getting them out of the way initially saves you from having to clear a windows error message for every one of those files that convertdata would've failed on.

Next, copy the convertdata.exe file and it's accompanying dll file into your new C:\GameInfo folder. These files are located in the Convertdata folder of the mod tools pack.

Click Start -> Run and type 'cmd' (without quote marks) in the box and press enter. This will bring up Windows command prompt. Type cd\GameInfo. Now that you're in your new GameInfo folder, type the following command exactly:

for /r c:\GameInfo %a in (*.entity) do convertdata entity %a %a txt

Press enter and for every .entity file in the folder, it will run convertdata and overwrite the binary version with a text version that you can mod with notepad or any other text editor. Depending on the speed of your machine, I'd expect it to take about 30 seconds to a minute. Finally, copy from the GameInfo folder in your sins folder all the entity files that start with 'Ability' into c:\GameInfo. These will still be in binary and can't be modded. The current version of convertdata just doesn't work for these.

Anyway I cant get it to convert.Thanks for quick reply.

on Mar 10, 2009

Hello again Ordian,

We have been playing your mod non-stop everytime we turn on sins!  Just love it.  In fact, sad to say, we have not dl'd your latest version(even though I am dying to) because it took me so long to figure out my last problem and we are jsut haveing too much fun atm.  But I guarantee I will be updating to your new release sooner or later because as per usual you have added "more"  to the game that I think increases the over all entertainment value.

I just read through the all the above post again searching for an answer for a question I have so as not to waste time posting.  I do not think I found the answer I was looking for so hopefully this is an easy one for ya.

OK, here is what I have done so far; I have your mod, Celestial bodies mod, and Frontiers mod atm.  The initial reason for dl'ing these was that I wanted the extra planets mainly.  However, after playing yours I was sold on all your additions to the tech trees.  Blown away is a better description really.  Sooooo, as much of the community already makes their own maps I too wanted to make my own.  Well in order to use the new planets I had to put the Frontiers "scenariodef" file into the galaxy forge, then make a map using new planets(alter filecount/addmap name to list) and start the game with that particular mod enabled and voi la, my map shows up in the list.

Ya probally know where I am going with this.....question; can I simply place the scenariodef file in the galaxy forge from your mod and it work the same way as the frontiers mod?  This would rock if so, cause one could simply make the map they wanted with the mod in mind they intend to use.  I am guessing it is possible but thought I would ask anyway.

Thank you in advance Ordian and/or anyone that has the answer.  I really love the mod and as always keep up the excellent work.


on Mar 10, 2009

Heya again,

      Ok I just tried to use the galaxydef fille and it worked for puting the extra planets in the list when in galaxy forge....however the map does not show up in game.  But it occurs to me that with the frontiers mod I also had to install all "icons" in the icon folder.  Therefore, my next question is, where can I find these in madscientist or can I? ...If not then would it be possible for you to upload the icons if this is the only thing I am lacking to use my custom maps in Madscientist mod?

Again, thanks Ordian.


on Mar 10, 2009

This is the best if not one of the best mods ever.  thank you so much oridian and anybody esle for this mod



ps i was wondering oridian if there was a way of changing the o fortuna to the imperial march and changing the tec rail guns to sound like a laser if you would, please.

on Mar 10, 2009

I am going to answer these in order so hopefully I do not forget one.

SlugwormX: Glad to have you aboard, and I am going to edit the tread above making sure your name is posted there.  As with the error, I am looking into it.  While it was not an issue before, I do want to get it solved.  The reason Distant Stars has the same error is because we both contain the Sins Plus mod.  I am currently scrounging through these files, but seeing as I don't know them as well as my own files considering I didn't origanally write them, it may take some time.  If you are getting this error when not using developer, I would suggest turning off the show errors in your user file for the time being.

Astraia: While I am happy you found a work around for the 2.1, it sucks that it is such a shitty one.  I am working hard on trying to get the graphic mods back up and into the mad scientist mod as quickly as I can.  Thanks for your patience and support thus far.

MindsEye:  Okay, well here is a tool that you should be able to use that should make the process easier.  I pretty much use it for my conversions do to how simple it makes it.  I grew up in DOS so I am quite fimiliar with my way around the command prompt, but this program makes it to easy that it would be stupid not to use.  Mess around with it and if you have any questions please let me know.

Valkajin:  First thing I would look at is making sure the galaxy.manifest in the mod folder has your map file listed with the others.  If it does not then dont forget to add 1 to the file count if you put it in.  I have yet to create a map for the game as I mainly work on the mod so I am kinda dumb in that area, but if I am not mistaken the fronters mod is a Sins Plus type mod and contains the exact planets as mine does (with a few extras added in).  In theory the icons should be pretty much the same, but I have not really looking into it to make sure.  First thing I would try is use the icons from that mod and brouse the forum for people asking questions about making mods within Sins (seen many of them).  If you cannot find an answer let me know and I will help you solve it, and if you do find an answer would you also let me know that way I can learn from it.  Thanks Valkajin for your apprechation and support.  I love my fans.

Axalon_30:  First thing is you need a program that allows you to convert sound files into ogg format, as that is what the game uses.  I use one called VLC media player, but there are others out there as well, and some available for free.  When you get it into the proper format you then need to put them into a sound folder within the mod and name each file to match the sound you wish to cover up and replace.  The main song is reconized as Opening Theme.ogg, and if you cover it up with another ogg file it should work.  In order to find and change the sound files for weapons requires more work, as you need to know what you need to name the sound file in order for the game to reconize it.  I would suggest opening your own post for the answers there as there are many people more fluent in that area then I am.  Hope that helps.


on Mar 10, 2009

thank you ordian for the advice and again a million thanks for this mod.

on Mar 10, 2009



I am having trouble getting the sound to work.  i start the game and all i hear is the stock music,  i try to restart the mod but to no avail.  please if you would.  thanks again for your work.

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